2011년 10월 14일 금요일

#3-1. In-Class: Hero's Journey (Twilight)

Group Members: Nuri Kim (김누리),  Yeji Park (박예지)

Our Story: Twilight

Why we chose it: Twilight isn't a perfect story-line of "The Hero's Journey", so we thought that it would be interesting to put our point of view to analyse it in a "The Hero's Journey" plot.

Story: Twilight


1. Ordinary World:

Bella Swan lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her mother.

2. Call to Adventure:

Bella’s mother wants to spend time with her new husband, so Bella moves to Forks, Washington. There, she goes to a new school, and meets “the cullens”. She develops a curiosity for Edward Cullen.

3. Refusal of the Call:

However, Edward all of a sudden befriends Bella, and Bella decides not to be friends with Eduward.

4. Meeting the Mentor:

Jacob Black, the son of Bella’s father’s best friend, tells Bella about the myth of their tribe; the Cullens are vampires, and that they stay away from each other. Bella finds out that Edward is a Vampire, and Edward warns her.

5. Crossing the Threshold:
Bella doesn’t care about what Jacob and Edward says, and dates Edward.

Jacob continues to warn Bella, and tells her that Edward is dangerous. He also confesses his love towards Bella. She is in a state of confusion.
Rosalie Cullen, one of Edward’s sisters, doesn’t want Bella in the family, for Bella may lose her life, and blow up the secret.
While Bella was playing baseball with Edward’s family, she meets three vampires, James, Victoria and Laurent, who’ve been passing along.

7. Approach to the Innermost Cave:

James, Victoria and Laurent find out that Bella is human, and suddenly, the baseball field turns into a state of tension. James is fascinated to Bella’s blood scent and decides to hunt her.

8. Ordeal:
Bella flees from the Forks, and goes around to different states to hide from James.

9. Reward:

With the help of Alice and Jasper, she continues to live in safety.

James threathens Bella, saying that he’ll kill her mom if Bella doesn’t come to him alone. Bella meets with James in a ballet house, gets severly injured and almost killed. (James bites her) Bella tries to escape.

11. Resurrection:

Edward comes to rescue Bella and kills James. Bella gets hospitalized.

12. Return With the Elixir:Bella leaves the hospital, and continues to date Edward. They go to prom together.

Points of contention (ifs/ands/buts):

As we have predicted, Twilight wasn't a perfect story-line of "The Hero's Journey".
There were two big themes of the whole story: First, the romance part (Bella choosing between Jacob and Edward), and second, the life-and-death plot.
We focused on the life-and-death plot of the story.

댓글 1개:

  1. Good! You actually finished, and while I don't know the story this looks correct.
